Commissioner Paul Kellner
Years Active in STB: Played in STB from 1965 to 1990, except for the four years while serving in the Caribbean Territory (1976-1980).
Positions In Band : Solo Horn
Favorite Piece : Several favorite pieces, including Serenity (Eric Ball), Songs in Exile (Eric Ball), The Present Age (Leslie Condon), Praise (Willfred Heaton) - All with great horn parts!
Favorite STB Moment: Many great moments to remember including:
- Playing Just As I Am and Elsa’s Procession under the baton of Colonel Bernard Adams
- Playing The Triumph of Peace under the leadership of Commissioner Richard Holz.
- 1990 International Congress - Marching down the Mall to Buckingham Palace and sharing a short concert in the forecourt with the International Staff Band. Then being invited to visit the inner court of the palace. Also, playing in massed bands with ISB, Canadian Staff Band and others on Leslie Condon’s The Present Age
- Joining son, Steve, in euphonium/horn duet arranged by Dr. Richard Holz.
From Tampa, FL corps, but officially went to training in 1961 from Miami Citadel, FL. Married Jajuan Pemberton in 1958. Earned Bachelor of Music Education degree from Florida State University in 1960. Taught school for one year in Miami before going to Training College in 1961. Commissioned in 1963. Corps, Training College, and DHQ appointments before being assigned to Caribbean Territory in 1976-1980 (Jamaica and Haiti) DHQ and THQ appointments in Southern Territory USA until 1991. Appointed to Zimbabwe as Chief Secretary for five years. Appointed Territorial Commander to Congo (Brazzaville) in 1996. Appointed Territorial Commander to Zimbabwe in 1998. Retired from Zimbabwe in 2000. Three children - Steve Kellner, Ruthanna Corbitt, and Pamela Bellis. Seven grandchildren at present and two great-grandchildren.